ISTAR is a Defence acronym which stands for Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance
ISTAR is the collective name for a variety of different systems used to collect information relating to the battlefield to improve the Commander’s situational awareness. ISTAR systems can range from deployed soldiers gathering intelligence to complex electronic sensors and surveillance systems.
ISTAR is a rapidly evolving area and systems are becoming ever more complex, utilising wireless networks for the transfer of sensitive information or control of assets remotely. Due to this increase in complexity and the use of wireless communications, the EMC performance of the equipment is highly important to ensure correct operation and communication distances between equipment can be maintained.
WEMEC has extensive experience of ISTAR systems and has been responsible for assessments on a number of systems from their transition as Urgent Operational Requirements (UOR) into normal military use, rather than specific to an operation. The ISTAR equipment is deemed as ‘battle winning’ and as such, it is expected to perform without degradation in performance, or degrade any co-located systems performance or the associated communications when operated in a potentially severe electromagnetic environment, i.e. high powered transmitters, jamming equipment and sensitive receivers. The standards needed for enduring use are much more stringent than for UOR’s and WEMEC’s role was to assess, rectify and achieve the desired EMC performance for enduring use of the systems to ensure compliance going into core.
With WEMEC’s extensive EMC knowledge and experience with ISTAR systems, we have an extensive understanding of the expected RF environments of operational use both on the battlefield and on training grounds. WEMEC’s staff has gained this unique knowledge and experience by working closely with the MoD on a number of programmes and has been responsible for taking systems through the entire process of assessment, EMC modification to compliance and commission.
WEMEC achieved the desired standard request by the Defence customer and the Programme was deemed as a success.